Thursday, January 31, 2013


A casual browse through the wonderland that is reddit's r/foodporn reveals the delicious trend that is shooter sandwiches. Essentially, you hollow out a big ole hunka bread, fill it with as much as possible, squish it and grill it. Dan and I spent a romantic afternoon throwing this together, gleefully nibbling at all the ingredients and filling up on enormous dairy ice-creams just before dinner. Despite this ruining of the appetites, the smell of melty pesto and baking bread and steak grilling got us back into eating mode.

Step 1: Hollow your bread. Save the innards for cleaning up the bacon fat coming up soon!

Om nom nom
Step 2: Cheese. It was a genius idea on the boyfriend's part to use cheese as a shield to keep the bread from turning unsightly colours.

Step 3: Bacon! Cook it almost as much as you like it because the grilling at the end won't cook it much more.

Step 4: Pesto. Whiz the leaves of a basil plant with a handful of pine nuts (or whatever cheaper nuts are about), parmesan, pepper and oil until it's a pleasing consistency. 

Step 5: Mushrooms which have been fried in bacon fat and garlic.

Step 6: Red onion. For your 5+ a day.

Step 7: Steak. Cooked rare and cut into bite sized hunks.

Step 8: More cheese!

Step 9: Wrap in tinfoil on a bed of fresh rosemary.

Step the tenth: Squish it good. This is also an excellent way to stop your weights from gathering dust.

Step 11: Grill.

Oh yes. The bacon seemed to melt away and the parental guinea pigs who also enjoyed this for dinner couldn't tell there was any bacon until they were told. This is a very versatile sandwich; Dan is already planning his seafood shooter. For further inspiration

1 comment:

  1. We did this with a pumpkin. Similar process: cut off top, scooped out the guts, filled with meat & onion & garlic. Top back on and baked for hours. It just held its shape...and then four of us scoffed it! A meaty pumpkin stew, with really luscious pumpkin (a Queensland blue). Delicious.
